BEng in Environmental Engineering
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- BEng in Environmental Engineering
- About the programme
- Career Opportunities
- Opportunities for further studies
- Skills and attributes gained on graduation
The Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering at GUtech is tailored to the requirements of the Sultanate of Oman and the wider region, by addressing issues such as water scarcity and air pollution, yet it draws on state-of-the-art expertise accumulated at RWTH Aachen, Germany, the affiliate University of GUtech.
The programme places a strong emphasis on the employability of GUtech’s graduates. Many elements of the programme are therefore accomplished in cooperation with local and international industry partners.
In addition, essential “soft skills” such as critical and creative thinking, life-long learning, intercultural communication and teamwork are integrated throughout the curriculum, in order to give graduates all of the skills they need to become entrepreneurs, should they wish, boosting job creation in the Sultanate and elsewhere.
There is a huge demand for Engineers, not just in the Sultanate of Oman, but also in the wider region as a whole. The needs and requirements of industry were taken into account when developing the Engineering programmes at GUtech, and new emerging needs and requirements are regularly taken into account with annual reviews of the programmes. Overall, GUtech produces high quality graduates who meet the needs of Omani and International Industry.
Our Bachelor programmes are designed to enable graduates to start working in the industry without further education; most graduates start working in industry shortly after graduation, while some continue their study, often by completing a Master’s programme in Europe or elsewhere. Whilst the programmes have been designed to meet the requirements of the Sultanate of Oman and the wider region, some graduates have started their career by working abroad for companies in Europe.
Graduates of the Bachelor of Engineering program in Environmental Engineering will have received an interdisciplinary education, focusing on the knowledge of fundamental theoretical concepts as well as the development of applied competences required for sustainable development. This includes renewable energy systems and energy efficiency, methods for controlling air pollution, types and rating systems of green buildings, procedures of environmental impact assessments, technologies of waste water treatment and desalination, and methods for solid waste management, among others.
This well-rounded education allows graduates to work as Environmental Engineers in a multitude of areas within Industry or Government, to solve a wide range of environmental problems which natural and human activity is creating, such as air pollution and solid waste, and to satisfy the environmental needs of the people of the Sultanate and wider region, such as the desalination of sea water, water resource management and green building.
Environmental Engineering graduates will be able to progress towards achieving their Chartered Engineer status or proceed with post-graduate education within the Sultanate of Oman, as well as in Europe, America, Australia and elsewhere.
The generic attributes and skills that graduates are expected to develop during their undergraduate studies are:
- Ethics – The graduates have developed awareness and holistic understanding of their role as responsible citizens in an increasingly globalised context.
- Critical thinking and problem solving – The graduates are able to engage real-world problems in a theoretically informed, rigorous, and questioning manner. They are able to devise solutions, select the most appropriate one, implement it, and reflect on its performance.
- Creative thinking – The graduates are able to think laterally and develop creative ideas.
- Individual and team work – The graduates have the capability to work effectively alone or in a team, to be self-directed, and to show independent judgment.
- Communication – The graduates are effective communicators, using oral, written, and electronic communication skills. They can interact confidently in a variety of settings, with a range of people from both genders, individually and in team situations, from peers to the wider community.
- Life-long-learning – The graduates appreciate that learning is continuous and have the ability to continue learning throughout life. They have developed a variety of approaches to learning, including self-directed, collaborative and self-reflective processes.
Graduates from the BSc in International Business & Service Management will also have developed the following programme-specific attributes and skills:
- Knowledge and understanding of Engineering – Graduates have gained a broad and sound knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering, enabling them to understand the phenomena characteristic to Environmental Engineering. The graduates have also gained an understanding for the broader multi-disciplinary context of engineering sciences.
- Environmental Impacts and Mitigation – Graduates are able to identify, formulate and solve problems particular to surrounding environment based on the application of established scientific methods; Graduates are also able to analyse environmental impacts of products, processes and methods based on scientific facts; They know how to select suitable methods of analysing, modelling, simulating and optimising and apply them with a high degree of competence to mitigate negative impacts.
- Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Graduates have developed the ability to develop innovative ideas and transfer them to green business based on scientific facts; They have developed a practically oriented understanding of green businesses and the ability to apply them in a competent manner.
- Investigations and assessment – Graduates are able to carry out literature research and know how to use Geographic Information System (GIS) and other sources of information for their work; they have developed the skills to plan and carry out suitable experiments, interpret the data and draw suitable conclusions.
- Engineering practice – Graduates have developed the competencies to transfer new findings in engineering and natural sciences to sustainable development actions for Oman and the whole region, including sustainable water management, green buildings, renewable energy, waste management, and controlling air pollution; They are also able to independently consolidate the knowledge gained and are aware of the environmental related impacts of engineering activities and mitigation measures.

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+(968) 2206 1111 – 2206 1112
The Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering is an eight semester (four year) programme. It uses integrated, practical approaches in order for students to gain a broad knowledge in the required natural sciences and their practical use, focusing on Sea Water Desalination, Air Pollution, Light and Noise Pollution, Solid Waste Management, Green Building, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Integrated Water Resources Management, Environmental Law, and Environmental Impact Assessment.
The first two years provide students with essential knowledge and skills in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Programming, and Engineering Drawing; the basics of Environmental Engineering. The remainder of the degree emphasises the use and application of these fundamentals in both industry and research, locally in the Sultanate and worldwide, to resolve environmental issues.
The programme is taught in English and it includes written and oral tests, an Industrial Internship and a Bachelor’s thesis, which can include experimental work. Students are also expected to develop basic communication skills in German.