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2022 - 2023
- Nikoonahad Mahya, Sadrameli Seyed Mojtaba, Arabpour Farzaneh (2023). Preparation and optimization of nanoencapsulated capric acid being as a renewable phase change material with TiO2 shell as shape‑stabilized thermal energy storage material. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry , 148 , 10735-10747.
- Javeri Shahreze Iman, Abdolmaleki Leila, Sadrameli Seyed Mojtaba, Fakhroleslam Mohammad (2023). Dynamic modeling and experimental validation of household refrigerators/ freezers equipped with phase change materials towards improved energy efficiency. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress , 46 (102227) , 1-9. doi:
- Gustavo De Siqueira, Ruth Mabry, Huda Al Siyabi, Ahmad Adeel, Sadmira Malaj, Adewale Oyeyemi (2023). Construct validity of the physical activity neighborhood environment scale-Oman. Frontiers in Public Health , 11 . doi:
- Anwar, R.W, Ismaeel, A, K. N. Qureshi (2023). Advanced AIoT Applications and Services, Routledge Taylor and Francis – Group.
- Anwar, R.W, Abdullah. T (2023). DBTS: Distributed Blockchain-based Trust Scheme for Data Privacy and Security in Smart Cities, in Proceedings of FTC 2023 – Future Technologies Conference 2023, San Francisco, United States, 2-3 November 2023 .
- Anwar, R.W, Abrar. M, Ullah. F (2023). Transfer Learning in Brain Tumor Classification: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Prospects, in Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC2023) , Korea, October 11 – 13, 2023 Lotte Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea.
- Anwar, R.W, F. Outay, K. N. Qureshi, S. Iqba, K. Z. Ghafoor (2023). State-Based Energy Calculation Scheme for Internet of Things Networks. IEEE Access , 11 , 106967-106979.
- Rieckhof, C., Martinez-Hernandez, V., Meffe, R., Holzbecher, E., Aguila, R.A., Nozal, L., Rico, A., Bustamante, I. (2023). Effects of particle size and surface charge density on the transport of nanoplastic particles through porous media under unsaturated conditions, in Proceedings of 33rd Annual Meeting SETAC Europe , Dublin, 30 4 2023 to 4 5 2023.
- Holzbecher, E., Ajaj,Y., Martins, J., Hadidi, A. (2023). Plastics and Micro-Plastics in the Omani Environment, in Proceedings of 40. IAHR World Congress 2023, Vienna, 21-25 8 2023.
- Holzbecher, E. (2023). Saltwater Intrusion and Groundwater Rise – A Modelling Study, in Proceedings of 40. IAHR World Congress 2023, Vienna, 21-25 8 2023.
- Holzbecher, E. (2023). Adaptive mesh refinement for dam-break models using the shallow water equations. Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum , 9 (1) , 79-90.
- Amor, Y., Rejeb, L., Sahli, N., Trojet, W., Hoblos, G., Ben Said, L. (2023). Rule-based Recommendation System for Traffic Congestion Measures, In: Bie, Y., Gao, K., Howlett, R.J., Jain, L.C. (eds) Smart Transportation Systems 2023. KES-STS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 356. Springer, Singapore.
- Ghazi, K., El-Said, O., Salem, I., Smith, M. (2023). Does performance appraisal legitimacy predict employee sabotage and innovative behaviors? The mediating role of performance appraisal satisfaction. Tourism Management Perspectives , 47 , 1-14. doi:
- Elhoushy, S., El-Said, O., Smith, M. , Dar, H. (2023). Gender equality: caught between policy reforms and manager beliefs. Journal of Sustainable Tourism , 1-24. doi:
- El-Said, O., Smith, M., Al-Yafaei, Y. , Salam, S (2023). From complexity to evolution: Mapping resilience management practices in the hospitality industry during the COVID-19 crisis. International Journal of Hospitality Management , 110 , 1-16. doi:
- Ali Osman , Saleh Al Saadi, Nasser Al Azri, Ali Al-Humairi (2023). Developing guidelines for residential buildings towards zero-energy designs in hot climates. N . (submitted)
- El-Said, O., Elhoushy, S., Al Bulushi, S. (2022). How do online review valence and ratings interact with consumer-generated visuals?. The Service Industries Journal , 1-30. doi:
- Kamran, M.A., Afsharfar, S., Al Rasbi, E., Al Mahrouqi, S., Maarof, M. (2023). Analysis of the factors inhibiting physical activities in the leisure times of students of German University of Technology and Urmia University of Technology.. Managing Sport and Leisure . (submitted)
- Khalilpour, S., Kamran, M.A., Solimanpour, M. (2023). COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain: An Optimization-Simulation Study in a Multi-Objective, Multi-Period, Multi-Product Network. Transportation Research – Part E . (submitted)
- Chakroun, M (2023). Nonlinearities in the Health-Growth Nexus: Evidence From a Panel Threshold Model, Submitted to The European Journal of Health Economics. (submitted)
- Chakroun, M (2023). Financing Health Systems in Developing Countries: The Role of Taxation and Spending Capacity, -Submitted to Journal of Government and Economics. (submitted)
- Chakroun, M (2023). The Nonlinear Impacts of Health on Economic Growth, in Proceedings of RSEP International Conference on Emerging Issues in Economics & Social Sciences (pp. 1-15), Hamburg, Germany, 16-17 February 2023. Mustafa Kemal Mah. 2134. Sokak Dereli Apt. No:15/2 Cankaya/Ankara/Turkey: BC GRUP INC. Publisher Certificate No: 6641.
- Kamran, M.A., Samarghandi, H., Aliasgari, M., Farahani Zanjirani, R. (2023). Stochastic Home Health Care Routing-Scheduling: A MATHeuristic Based on Two-Phased Data Mining and Clustering. Transportation Research – Part E . (submitted)
- Ahmadi, T., van der Veen, J.A.A., Venugopal, V., Kamran, M.A. (2023). Sustainable EOQ Model for Joint Inventory and Transport Planning under Horizontal Logistics Collaboration. Computers & Industrial Engineering . (submitted)
- Babazadeh, R., Taraghi Nazloo, H., Kamran, M.A. (2023). A hybrid ANN-MILP model for agile recovery production planning for PPE products under sharp demands. International Journal of Production Research . (submitted)
- Atashfeshan, N., Kamran, M.A., Farahani Zanjirani, R. (2023). Risk Assessment in Human-Machine Systems: A Dynamic Hybrid Causal Logic Model. Risk Analysis . (submitted)
- Al Shaibani, L., Atashfeshan, N., Kamran, M.A. (2023). Benefits and Challenges of Automated Storage and Retrieving systems in Warehouses: A Systematic Review, in Proceedings of Computers & Industrial Engineering 50 Proceedings, American University of Sharjah, UAE, Oct 30, 2023.
- Rihab Abidi, Nabil Sahli, Wassim Trojet, Nadia Ben Azzouna, Ghaleb Hoblos (2023). An Infrastructure-Based Trust Management Framework for Cooperative ITS, in Proceedings of Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (pp. 329-336), Prague, Czech Republic, 26-28 April.
- Al-Humairi (2022). The Development of a Smart Water Quality Monitoring System, in Proceedings of the 20th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Tunisia, 20th to 23rd of February 2023.
- Al-Humairi (2023). Investigating the Impact of Gamification in Education in an International School in Oman: An Analysis of Students, in Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference, Austria, July 10-14, 2023.
- Al-Humairi, Nusiaba (2023). User Friendly Indoor Navigation Application for Visually Impaired Users in Museums using 3D Sound, in Proceedings of Second International Conference on Innovations in Computing Research (ICR’23)., Spain, SEPTEMBER 4-6, 2023.
- Ouled Abdallah, N., Fakhfakh, F., Fakhfakh, F. (2023). Overview of Blockchain-based Seafood Supply Chain Management, in Proceedings of ISDA 2022 (pp. 71-80), Online, 14-16 December 2022. : Springer.
- Al-Humairi (2023). Solar Panel Efficiency in Oman, in Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Systems ICONS, Italy , April 24, 2023 to April 28, 2023.
- Al-Humairi (2023). Balancing Privacy and Security: Navigating the Complexities of Digital Privacy in the Modern World. The Journal of Global Research in Computer Science .
- Al-Humairi (2023). A Systemic Security and Privacy Review: Attacks and Prevention Mechanisms over IoT Layers, in Proceedings of SECURWARE , Portugal , September 25, 2023 to September 29, 2023 – Porto, Portugal.
- Al-Humairi (2023). Experimental Investigation Of The Soiling Effect On The PV Systems Performance And The Cleaning Intervals In Oman Solar Energy Advances. Solar Energy Advances . (submitted)
- Al-Humairi (2023). Design and Building of a Solar Robotic Cleaner Chassis. Int. J. of Design Engineering, Inderscience Publishers . (submitted)
- Scharf, A., Mattern, F., Bolhar, R., Callegari, I., Mattern, P., Ring, U. (2022). Oligocene/Early Miocene E/W-Shortening in the Oman Mountains Related to Oblique Arabia-India Convergence. Tectonics , 41 (12) .
- Zuccari, C., Vignaroli, G., Callegari, I., Nestola, F., Novella, D., Giuntoli, F., Gulling, M., Viola, G. (2023). Forming and preserving aragonite in shear zones: First report of blueschist facies metamorphism in the Jabal Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains. Geology , 51 , 454-459.
- Al Sulaimani, Nusaiba, Al-Humairi, Ali, Al Khanjari, Sharifa (2023). User Friendly Indoor Navigation Application for Visually Impaired Users in Museums Using 3D Sound, in Proceedings of Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovations in Computing Research (ICR’23), MADRID, SPAIN, 4 SEPTEMBER 2023.
- Naghdi Behzad, Zeynab Heshmati Farzaneh, Mahjoub Farid, Arabpour Farzaneh, Ahmadi Vahid, Luo Ying, Wang Zheng, Sadrameli Seyed Mojtaba (2023). Salt precipitation challenge in floating interfacial solar water desalination systems. Desalination , 565 (116868) , 1-27.
- Khadija Al Balushi (2023). Techno-Economic and Environmental Analysis of Car-bon Capture in Constructed Buildings Using Natural Means: Alignment with Omani Vision 2040 and the SDGs., in Proceedings of THE 5TH EMCEI, Italy , 2-3 October, 2023.
- Marya Al Nadabi, Ali Al Humairi, Khadija Al Balushi, Yasmine Souissi (2023). The Development of a Smart Water Quality Monitoring System, in Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices 2023, Mahdia, Tunisia, February 20-23, 2023.
- Sahar Al Mawaali1, Khadija Al Balushi1, Yasmine Souissi1 (2023). Sustainable Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil and Waste Animal Fats, in Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE’23), Lisbon , March 29 – 31, 2023.
- Al-Ojaili, W., Shalaby, M.R., Bauer, W. (2023). Reservoir quality evaluation of the Narimba Formation in Bass Basin, Australia: Implications from petrophysical analysis, sedimentological features, capillary pressure and wetting fluid saturation. Energy Geoscience .
- Ciner, A., Banerjee, S., Lucci, F., Radwan, A. E., Shah, A. A., Doronzo, D. M., Hamimi, Z., Bauer, W. (2023). Recent Research on Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Tectonics, Geochemistry, Volcanology and Petroleum Geology – Proceedings of the 1st MedGU, Istanbul 2021 (Volume 2), : Springer.
- Javeri Iman, Fakhroleslam Mohammad, Sadrameli Seyed Mojtaba (2023). Application of phase change materials for performance enhancement of open-display supermarket refrigerators: Numerical simulation and parametric study. Journal of Energy Storage , 66 (107506) , 1-12.
- AliAkbari Parvin, Arabpour Farzaneh, Sadrameli Seyed Mojtaba (2023). Performance Improvement of Solar Steam Generation Systems Using the Plasmonic Effect of Titanium Nitride. Journal of Energy Management and Technology .
- Sadrameli, Seyed Mojtaba (2023). Thermal Management of Electrical Appliances Using Phase Change Materials, presented at 8th Int. conference in sustainable and renewable energy engineering (invited speaker), Nice, France, 11-13 May 2023.
- Sadrameli, Seyed Mojtaba, Azizi, Yazdan (2023). Application of phase change materials for the thermal management of lithium ion batteries at cold climate conditions, in Proceedings of TMS2023, San Diego, California, USA, 19-23 March 2023.
- Barghash, H., Okedu, K., Al Farsi, A, Al-Wahaibi, B (2022). Cost benefit analysis for green hydrogen production from treated effluent: The case study of Oman. Cost benefit analysis for green hydrogen production from treated effluent: The case study of Oman.
- Barghash, H., Okedu, K., AlRashdi, z., Desmond, P. (2022). Life-Cycle Assessment Study for Bio-Hydrogen Gas Production from Sewage Treatment Plants Using Solar PVs. Energies, MDPI .
- Alipour Anis, Eslami Fatemeh, Sadrameli Seyed Mojtaba (2023). A Novel Bio-Based Phase Change Material of Methyl Palmitate and Decanoic Acid Eutectic Mixture: Thermodynamic modeling and Thermal performance. Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis , 10 (100111) , 1-9. doi:
- Mazumder, R., Chaudhuri, T., De, S., Bauer, W. (2023). Archean Continental Sedimentation: The Singhbhum Perspective, presented at 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology (pp. 193-), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 12.-16. June 2023. : Croatian Geological Society (HGD).
- Abrar, M. & Anwar, R. W., (2022). Wheat Crop Disease prediction using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), in Proceedings of International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology November 9 – 10, 2022 – Muscat, Muscat – Sultanate of OMAN, November 9 – 10, 2022 – Muscat.
- Ali, S., Anwar, W., Salem, B. J., & Al Dhuhlia, M. (2022). Tracing Pharmaceutical Products Utilizing Blockchain Technologies. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems , 12 (1) , 1-9.
- Anwar, R. W., Qureshi, K. N., Nagmeldin, W., Abdelmaboud, A., Ghafoor, K. Z., Javed, I. T., & Crespi, N. (2022). Data Analytics, Self-Organization, and Security Provisioning for Smart Monitoring Systems. MDPI Sensors , 22 (19) , 7201-7219.
- Ali, S., & Anwar, R. W. (2023). (2022). TRUSED: A Trust-Based Security Evaluation Scheme for A Distributed Control System. Computers, Materials and Continua, 74(2), 4381-4398 (Impact Factor = 3.860).. Computers, Materials & Continua 2023 , 74 (2) , 4381-4398.
- Rodrigues, P.S., Behling, H., Hoffmann, G., Bauer, W. (2023). Effects of the Indian Ocean Monsoon oscillation during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition on the palynomorphic records in the NW Arabian Sea, in Proceedings of EGU23, Vienna, Austria, 23.-28. April 2023.
- Bauer, W., Jacobs, J., Callegari, I., Scharf, A., Mattern, F. (2023). New constraints on the geological evolution of the SE corner of the Arabian Plate (NE Oman), presented at EGU23, Vienna, Austria, 23.-28. April 2023.
- De, S., Mazumder, R., Chaudhuri, T., Bauer, W. (2023). Late Paleoarchean to Neoarchean sedimentation on Singhbhum craton, eastern India: a synthesis. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 60 . doi: 10.1139/cjes-2022-0050
- Cravinho, A., Jesus, A.P., Moreira, B., Mateus, A., Pracejus, B., Figueiras, J., Benoit, M., Bauer, W., Rocha, F. (2023). Contrasting features and volcanostratigraphy of the mafic-hosted Mandoos and Shinas VMS Deposits, Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Economic Geology , 118 . doi: 10.5382/econgeo.5006
- Kamran, M.A. , Solimanpur, M, Atefi, R, Atashfeshan, N, Mansouri, Y (2023). Determining location of facilities and parts route selection in the presence of alternative process plans and machine redundancy using mathematical programming and a heuristic algorithm. OPSEARCH . (submitted)
- Kamran, M.A. , Kia R., Goodarzian, F., Ghasemi P. (2023). A new vaccine supply chain network in the COVID-19 condition considering system dynamic: Artificial intelligence-based algorithms. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences , 85 , 101378-. doi:
- Al-Humairi (2022). Solar Panel Efficiency in Oman. Solar, MDPI . (submitted)
2021 - 2022
Coming Soon
2020 - 2021
Coming Soon
2019 - 2020
Coming Soon
2022 - 2023
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Ahmad Adeel
- Beyond Urban Projects, 2022, International Workshop. This workshop was organized for the students of MSc. in Architecture, KU Leuven, Brussels, Belgium. This workshop seeks to provide the architecture and urban planning master students with the necessary theoretical insights related to the planning and design process of Urban Projects. Urban Projects refer to urban architectural interventions based on a multi-scalar and strategic approach, embodying a high level of complexity in functions, users, timeframe and historic and contextual relations. Urban Projects can be understood as multi-stakeholder projects and thus have a strong social, cultural, political as well as an economic engagement with the environment and their making process seeks trans-disciplinarity and co-authorship, unlocking formal as well as informal uses of space. The origins of “Urban Projects” are situated in postmodern understandings of the (central) city and its architecture, that evolved in more broader approaches that leave behind conditions of geographic centrality and historic settings. The course critically reviews a series 20th and 21st century spatial interventions at an urban scale in a complex setting. Through the presentation and review of a series of Urban Projects, their design intentions and goals, together with their spatial, societal, cultural or economic context, the underlying theoretical positions will be analyzed, discussed and reflected upon.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Rajat Mazumder
- 36 International Association of Sedimentologists Annual meeting and Conference, 2023, International Conference. Presented a research paper related to the Research project funded by the GUtech Seed Fund 2023-2024
- Regional Symposium on Geospatial Information Exchange and Research (GIER), 2023, International Conference.
- 40. IAHR World Congress, 2023, International Conference.
- KIU Annual Conference 2023, 2023, International Conference.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Osman Barghouth
- GUtech participation in the OQF Capacity-Building Workshop, 2023, GUtech Workshop.
- Oman Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Strategic Plan 2023-2027, 2022, National Workshop. Attended the consultative workshop to finalise the Oman Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
- KPI Workshop, 2023, GUtech Workshop. The specific learning outcomes of this workshop are: • Map the Strategic Plan to lower-level plans. • Understand the role of KPI in a quality assurance system. • Understand the attributes of a well-designed KPI. • Learn to construct SMARTER KPIs. • Recognise different types of KPIs and the consequences of using different types. • Be able to critique a KPI against its intended purpose constructively.
- Thesis writing workshop-MBA-Batch 4, 2023, GUtech Workshop.
- International Conference for Economics and Business Management, 2022, International Conference. I was invited to participate in the activities of the International Conference for Economics and Business Management Organized by the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, SQU
- Technology in Teaching Workshop, 2023, National Workshop. Technology in Teaching, 2023, National Workshop. I was invited to deliver a workshop to Dhofar university staff about the use of Technology in Teaching
- Technology in Teaching, 2023, National Workshop. I was invited to deliver a workshop to Dhofar university staff about the use of Technology in Teaching
- Dive Into Heritage, 2023, International Workshop. The workshop was organized as a collaboration between the UNESCO Chair for World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Management in the Arab Region and UNESCO. The workshop includes theoretical lectures (3D surveying, photogrammetry, laser scanning) and practical work in the field at the UNESCO World Heritage property of Bahla Fort (Nizwa, Oman).
- GUtech Sustainability Readiness, 2022, GUtech Workshop. On November 23, 2022, an event titled “GUtech Sustainability Readiness Workshop” was conducted at the Eco House. This workshop represented a collaborative effort involving the departments of LTSM, ENG, and UPAD. I was the main presenter in the event.
- World Bank Gulf Economic Update Presentation, 2022, National Other. The Faculty of Economics and Business organized the World bank event on Tuesday 6th of December. A prestigious delegation from the World Bank presided by the Director of the world bank GCC presented the last World Bank Gulf Economic Update with special focus on green growth opportunities in GCC.
- Green Hydrogen Summit, 2022, International Conference. I was nominated by the rectorate to attend the Green Hydrogen Summit. GHSO is the largest Green Hydrogen event in the MENA region. Global decision makers in policy, finance, tech and industry come together for discussions geared towards driving economies of the future and advancing energy solutions that can sustainably meet the energy demands of our growing population.
- International Conference on the Impact of Covid-19 on Economy and Society, 2022, International Conference. I was a member of the conference scientific committee and I was also a moderator of the Tourism session in the conference
- International conference on the impact of covid 19 on the economy and society, 2022, International Conference.
- The world Bank Gulf Economic Update: Green Growth Opportunities in the GCC, 2022, International Other. • The World Bank delegation included: • – Mr. Issam Abousleiman, the Regional Director, GCC countries • – Mr. Khaled Alhmoud, Senior Economist at the World Bank • – Mr. Ismail Radwan, Lead Country Economist at the World Bank The World Bank team presented the latest ‘Gulf Economic Update’ , which is a World Bank biannual report highlighting key challenges facing the GCC countries. This edition takes a close look at recent economic developments and short-term prospects for Gulf countries and includes a “Special Focus” section on Green Growth Opportunities in the GCC.
- RSEP International Conference on Emerging Issues in Economics & Social Sciences, 2023, International Conference.
- Distinguished speaker in an upcoming colloquium at Logistics Management Department at the International Maritime College Oman, National University of Science and Technology, 2023, National Workshop.
- Online Research Symposium, 2023, International Conference.
- International Conference on Science, Innovation and Management (ICSIM), 2023, International Conference.
Department of Computer Science
Ali Al Humairi
- Ceremony of EJAAD Agreement Poster information, 2022, National Other.
- Cybersecurity Discussion Session, 2022, International Workshop. Coordinate the Cybersecurity Discussion Session, Oman Science Festival
- Solar Energy and its Operation in Oman, 2023, National Workshop.
- Water Management Fourm, 2023, National Workshop. Also, I have secured three seats for GUtech, funded by OQ. My main task is the coordination between GUtech and OQ.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Markus Gurk
- Seminar des DGG-AK Hydro- und Ingenieurgeophysik, 2023, International Workshop. 3D-Geoelektrik zur hochauflösenden Abbildung oberflächennaher Strukturen: Kartierung eines frühneuzeitlichen Herrenhauses in Noer (Schleswig-Holstein)
- SEG Workshop: Near Surface Modelling and Imaging, 2022, International Workshop. Workshop to exchange new ideas for near surface imaging techniques in applied geophyics
- The Sharjah International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (SICPAM), 2023, International Conference.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Iman AL Ofi
- Housing, People and Environment 2023 (HOPE), 2023, International Conference. Housing, People and Environment (HOPE) is a platform being launched on 30 January 2023 under the auspices of HH Sayyed Bilarab bin Haitham Al Said to promote a people centred development approach in planning and design focusing on open public spaces to improve quality of life and well-being and examining their interplay with the urban environment. HOPE seeks to nurture dialogue between scholars, planners and decision-makers with civil society and industry in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda beginning in Oman.
- Forum for Active Built Environment Research (FABER), 2022, International Conference. FABER is an annual event aiming to promote and disseminate knowledge and good practices on the sustainable development of urban areas with a focus on mobility.
Department of Computer Science
Nesrine Ouled Abdallah
- Empowering Oman as a production and export hub of Seafood Value-added products, 2023, National Conference.
- Oman’s First National Symposium on Academic Integrity, 2023, National Conference.
- ISDA 2022, 2022, International Conference.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Wilfried Bauer
- hystories (HYDROGEN STORAGE IN EUROPEAN SUBSURFACE), 2023, International Conference. Technical conference about technique and problems of subsurface storage of H2 in Europe.
- World Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air (EURASIAWEB), 2022, International Conference.
- First International Conference on Earth Sciences and Energy Transition, 2023, International Conference. The International Conference on Earth Sciences and Energy Transition [ICESET] is organized by the Earth Sciences Research Center at Sultan Qaboos University – Oman and will be launched every two years. The transition to low-to-zero carbon energy is now a prime concern for the global community to reduce and avoid climate change and accordingly several governments have merged their economic growth rate and greenhouse gas emissions through a rapid increase in low-to-zero carbon energy. Earth sciences play a major role in enabling that transition possible toward low-to-zero carbon energy through geothermal energy, natural hydrogen exploration and production, carbon utilization and storage, energy storage, waste storage, and mining of minerals. The objective of this conference is to bring together earth scientists to share and exchange their up-to-date findings about low-to-zero carbon energy.
Department of Computer Science
Raja Waseem Anwar
- CSeG – OMAN2023 (Third Omani Cyber Security Gathering), 2023, National Workshop. Cyber Security Gathering is organized by the Communication and Information Research Center at SQU in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Wilfried Bauer
- Green Hydrogen Summit, 2022, International Conference. This event at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre was a gathering of hundreds of “thoughtful, iconoclastic doers” from around the world who share a common interest in practical solutions for sustainable development (Green Hydrogen) through global innovation.
2021 - 2022
Department of Applied Geosciences
Fatma Al Hatmi
- Green Hydrogn summit, 2022, GUtech Conference.
Department of Engineering
Tahiya Al Shuaili
- Digital dynamics and global societal challenges: new realities of disruption and resilience., 2022, International Conference. Global forum and Water & Humanity
- The German Symposium on Green Hydrogen, 2022, International Other.
- Forum explores green hydrogen prospects in Oman, 2022, International Conference. the Authority for public services regulation in cooperation with the Sustainable energy research center (SERC) at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) hold the event to promote constructive cooperation between institutions concerned with clean and renewable energy sector.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Heba Aziz
- World Tourism Day, 2021, National Workshop. On the occasion of the World Tourism Day 2021, under the theme “Tourism for Inclusive Growth,” the Faculty of Business and Economics at the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) hosted an online workshop in which my colleague Osman Barghouth, and two students discussed the impact of Covid-19 on tourism and hospitality, as well as response strategies. We also presented the outcomes of our study, “Job satisfaction and potential opportunities for career growth among hotel employees: The Case of Oman.” The workshop was followed by a question-and-answer session with national and international participants.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Ercan Agirbas
- Understanding Social Housing – Comparison between Oman, Turkey and Germany, 2022, International Conference.
- …somut mimari, soyut doga, arasında insan… (…concrete architecture, abstract nature, in between human being…), 2022, International Conference.
- International Sustainability Resources & Technology Conference, 2022, International Conference. Pillar: Sustainable Urban Planning and Development
Research u0026 Consultancy Office
Yasmine Souissi
- Oman Sustainability Week – The International Sustainability Resources & Technology Conference (ISRTC), 2022, International Conference. Sustainable Smart Cities, Sustainable Urban Planning and development Conference Day 3 (Wednesday 16 March 2022)
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Wayne Switzer
- European Earthen Building Day 2022, 2022, International Conference. On the annual occasion of the international Earthen Building Day, I was one of four guest speakers invited to share experiences from the development of contemporary earthen construction.
Department of Computer Science
Ali Al Humairi
- Cybersecurity Discussion Session, Oman Science Festival, 2022, International Other.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Ekkehard Holzbecher
- Water Resources Management & Sustainability, 2022, International Conference.
- KIU Annual Conf. 2022, 2022, International Conference.
- ISE2022, 2022, International Conference.
- 39. IAHR World Congress, 2022, International Conference.
Ahmed Hadidi
- 6thISFF, 2021, International Conference.
- 39th IAHR World Congress, 2022, International Conference.
- GEF23, 2022, International Conference.
- WMS EXPO 2020, 2022, International Conference.
Rab Nawaz
- Application of the VR/AR Technology in the Training Field, 2022, GUtech Other.
- Digital Transformation in HEI by University of Nizwa and Arab Open University, 2022, International Workshop.
Department of Computer Science
Nafaa Ben Hedi Jabeur
- Construction 4.0 2022, 2022, International Workshop.
- RTATM 2021, 2021, International Conference.
- ADSI 2021, 2021, International Conference.
- Digital Tranformation, 2022, National Workshop.
Ali Al Humairi
- Oman Science Festival, 2022, National Other.
- Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040, 2022, National Workshop.
- Research talk – Application of the VR/AR Technology in the Training and Educational Field, 2022, GUtech Other.
- Green Hydrogen Forum, 2022, National Workshop.
- Symposium: Green Hydrogen, 2022, National Other.
Nusaiba Al Sulaimani
- COMEX 2022 AI Conference, 2022, International Conference. The event was held in COMEX where various speakers spoke about topics in Artificial Intelligence
Department of Engineering
Najah Al Mhanna
- Climate Change & SDGs in Oman – Oman Vision 2040. Case Study: Green Village of ADWA Al Nujum, 2022, International Workshop. This workshop is part of our funded programme by DAAD that we are running in collaboration with our partner in Germany, BTU university. The workshop included seminars that were given by experts from Germany and Oman
Kalpana Narasimhan
- One Week Training Workshop on Numerical Methods in Engineering and Physical Sciences with MATLAB, 2022, International Workshop.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Osman Barghouth
- Internationalisation of Oman’s Higher Education System, 2022, National Conference. Has attended OAQHE 2022 CONFERENCE “Internationalisation of Oman’s Higher Education System” Via GoTowebinar Which was held on 17 of March 2022
- LTSM Program Revision Workshop, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
Department of Engineering
Yathrib Ajaj
- ICICDR 2022, 2022, International Conference. ICICDR-2022 and the “World Doctorates Day” held on August 25, 2022
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Maryam Mirzaei
- Online Global Classroom (OGC), 2022, International Workshop.
Osman Barghouth
- Contract Cheating, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Student Motivation, 2022, GUtech Workshop. As part of the Academic Induction program for new staff and interns, I was invited as a speaker for the topic “Student Motivation”.
- Academic Advising, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Advancing Open Educational Practice in line with UNESCO OER Recommendations, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Constructive Alignment, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- National Education Strategic Plan 2020-2040, 2021, 2021, National Workshop. We need to review/develop a new strategic plan in line with the National Education strategic plan 2040 and the MoHERI Strategic Plan.
- Constructive Alignment Workshop, 2021, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Curriculum Committee Workshop – Undergraduate Program Revision, 2021, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Updating course specifications, 2022, GUtech Workshop.
- World Tourism Day 2021, 2021, International Workshop.
- World Tourism Day 2021, 2021, International Workshop. In honor of World Tourism Day 2021, with the theme “Tourism for Inclusive Growth,” the Faculty of Business and Economics at the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) hosted an online international workshop in which I, my colleague Prof. Heba Aziz, and two students discussed the impact of Covid-19 on tourism and hospitality, as well as response strategies. In addition, we presented the outcomes of our study, “Job satisfaction and potential opportunities for career growth among hotel employees: The Case of Oman.” The workshop was followed by a question-and-answer session with national and international participants.
Mohamed Chakroun
- MIRDEC-18th, International Academic Conference on Economics, Business and Contemporary Discussions in Social Science, 2022, International Conference.
Department of Engineering
Seyed Sadrameli
- The 13th Waste Conversion Technology Conference & Trade Show (WCTC), 2022, International Conference. Waste Conversion Technology Conference (WCTC) attracts right at 150 to 200 professionals from around the globe that come to hear acclaimed industry representatives talk about converting waste materials into alternative fuel and energy.
Kalpana Narasimhan
- One Week Faculty Development programme on Computing with MATLAB and LaTeX Software; Indispensable Tools for Researchers, 2022, International Workshop.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Ekkehard Holzbecher
- COMSOL Day Environmental Modelling, 2021, International Other.
Department of Computer Science
Ali Al Humairi
- PDD, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- OHC Workshop, 2021, National Workshop.
- UNICEF Workshop: Designing an Overarching Framework for Youth Programmes in Oman, 2021, International Workshop.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Mehdi Abdollahi Kamran
- Global Awards on Primary Healthcare and Medicare, 2021, International Conference.
Department of Computer Science
Ali Al Humairi
- MATLAB, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Advising Workshop, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Solar Project Training, 2021, International Other.
- Solar Project Training, 2021, International Other.
- Solar Project Training, 2021, International Other.
- Solar Project Training, 2021, International Other.
- Interactive Videos with HP5, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Moodle Gamification & Interactive Elements, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Online Assessments in Moodle, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Tips & Tricks in Moodle, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Best Practices in Online Teaching, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- Solar Decathlon, 2021, National Other.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Petrit Pasha
- Global Summit on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (GSCAEE2021), 2021, International Conference. Global Summit on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering GSCAEE2021 was held during July 19-21, 2021 at Barcelona, Spain Topic – “Restructuring Information Management in Building Design and Construction Using Metadata”
2020 - 2021
Department of Engineering
Seyed Sadrameli
- 24th Annual EUEC meeting, 2021, International Conference. Seyed Mojtaba Sadrameli, Anahita Pirvaram, Leila Abdolmaleki (2021). Electrical energy management in household freezers using phase change materials, in Proceedings of 24th Annual EUEC Live Streaming Virtual Conference, San Diego, California, 9-11 Sept. 2021. (Accepted) Update |
Kalpana Narasimhan
- Training Workshop on Basic Computing with MATLAB, 2022, International Workshop.
Department of Engineering
Yathrib Ajaj
- ICICDR, 2021, International Conference, 2021, International Conference.
- ICICDR, 2021, International Conference, 2021, International Conference.
Kalpana Narasimhan
- Training Workshop on Computing Differential Equations with MATLAB, 2021, International Workshop.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Fatma Al Hatmi
- Thesis writing in 60 Days, 2021, International Workshop.
- training Oman’s Geology into Tourism Opportunities., 2021, National Other.
Kalpana Narasimhan
- International Virtual Workshop on LaTeX and Statistical Analysis using MATLAB, 2021, International Workshop.
Department of Engineering
Yathrib Ajaj
- ICICDR, 2021, International Conference, 2021, International Conference.
- ICICDR, 2021, International Conference, 2021, International Conference.
- ICICDR, 2020, International Conference, 2020, International Conference.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Maryam Mirzaei
- The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching and Learning Online, 2020, International Workshop.
- Amplifying Engagement: Energizing Students in Large Online Classrooms, 2020, International Workshop.
- anyLogistix Advanced Academic Workshop, 2021, International Workshop. Agenda Place of anyLogistixin a Digital Supply Chain Twin Building an ALX model for analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic impacts on resilience of the food retail supply chain
- anyLogistix academic workshop, 2021, International Workshop. Some teaching materials for ALX were discussed during this workshop.
- Designing Engaging Learning Experiences for Undergraduates, 2021, International Workshop.
- Workshop: Writing Successful Research Proposal, 2021, GUtech Workshop.
- World Finance Conference, 2021, International Conference.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Ercan Agirbas
- Competitions and Urban Space, Yarismalar ve Kentsel Mekan, 2021, International Conference. In the event, how the competitions in different geographies and urban cultures are seen and handled, their contributions to architecture and settlement culture and their drawbacks, sub-types, pros and cons, will be discussed with local and international examples.
- CITIES IN EVOLUTION DIACHRONIC TRANSFORMATIONS OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS, 2021, International Conference. Fragility, resilience and regeneration of cultural heritage Chair: Marko Kiessel, (ARUCAD-Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design) Co-chair: Jan Gadeyne, (Temple University, Rome) Frank Eittorf, Ercan Agirbas, Up-grading The City | What Would We…?!
- VIII AACCP (Architecture, Archaeology and Contemporary City Planning) Symposium CITIES IN EVOLUTION, 2021, International Conference. City redevelopment and landscape regeneration in Scandinavia Chair: Per Elias Cornell, (University of Gothenburg) Co-chair: Özge Özkuvancı, (Özyeğin University) Ercan Ağırbaş, Frank Eittorf, Our New Places. Urban and rural evolution, landscape redevelopment and regeneration
Department of Computer Science
Daiva Pucinskaite
- Workshop Frobenius manifolds and related topics, 2021, International Workshop.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Mohamed Chakroun
- Doctoral Workshop, 2021, International Workshop. Doctoral workshop organized by LEO, University of Orleans
Department of Applied Geosciences
Andre Filipe Pinto
- European Mineralogical Congress, 2021, International Conference.
- SURC2021, 2021, National Conference.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Reza Kia
- International simulation workshop by anyLogistix, 2021, National Workshop. I am main trainer in this anyLogistix workshop, held for 4 days, 2, 9, 16 and 23 September for more than 100 participants from academia and industry.
- The 1st National Conference on Transportation and Logistics, 2021, National Conference. I was keynote speaker to present a talk about digital twins supply chain:
- A Workshop on the Block Funding Program /Research Information Management System(RIMS) of MoHERI, 2021, National Workshop. Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation organized an online workshop about the Block Funding Program and RIMS.
- “Aligning Higher Education Strategies with Vision 2040”, 2021, National Workshop. Attended Oman Association for Quality in Higher Education (OAQHE) workshop titled “Aligning Higher Education Strategies with Vision 2040”
- Education and Research Impact in Developing Nations MENA Virtual Executive Boardroom, 2021, International Workshop. I was invited as VIP Guest to attend at the Education and Research Impact in Developing Nations MENA Virtual Executive Boardroom. This exclusive virtual boardroom brought together Deans, Head of Department, Director of Research and Innovation, Head of Information Technologies, Professors and Researcher from Universities, Colleges, and Research Center and Institutions across the region to discuss on how to equip the minds of the future with the right technology, foster student creativity and innovation and how you can take your research initiatives to the next level as well as to learn about an array of high-durability computing products that are built for empowering collaborative learning both inside and outside the classroom
Department of Applied Geosciences
Rab Nawaz
- Online Assessments in Moodle, 2021, GUtech Workshop. Event was held online and attended by the Academic Staff
Department of Computer Science
Ali Al Humairi
- International Patent Application- Practices and procedures and Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 2021, National Workshop.
- Solar Project Training, 2021, International Other.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Ekkehard Holzbecher
- SCCS 2021, 2021, International Conference.
- World Water Day, 2021, 2021, International Conference.
- Multiphysics 2020, 2020, International Conference.
- Rock Physics and Geofluid Detection Workshop, 2020, International Workshop.
- International Symposium on Geofluids, 2021, International Conference.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Petrit Pasha
- HVAC World Forum, 2021, International Conference. Theme “Energy Efficient and Sustainable Technologies”
Department of Applied Geosciences
Fatma Al Hatmi
- Professional Development Days, 2020, GUtech Workshop.
Department of Engineering
Tahiya Al Shuaili
- Oman: a Promising Destination for Clean Energy, 2020, GUtech Other. Online public event featuring a high-level conversation between experts in the Middle East and the International Energy Agency (IEA) on clean energy technology strengths, opportunities, priorities and programmes in the region. Co-hosted by the EJAAD and IEA, featuring the launch of the IEA’s latest report ‘Energy Technology Perspectives 2020’ in the Middle East.
- industrial waste management, 2020, National Workshop. independent learning center program for knowledge development in SQU in collaboration with be’ah company.
- healthCare Waste Management, 2020, National Workshop. independent Learning center program for knowledge development in collaboration with Beah.
2019 - 2020
Department of Applied Geosciences
Rab Nawaz
- Excellence in Teaching Instructor, 2020, International Workshop.
Fatma Al Hammadi
- Teacher training workshop 2019, 2019, National Workshop. Title: My Ten Favourite Speaking Activities
- Oman 19th International ELT Conference 2019, 2019, National Conference. Title: Innovative Approaches to English Teaching and Learning
Department of Applied Geosciences
Ekkehard Holzbecher
- International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere, 2020, International Conference.
Department of Engineering
Yathrib Ajaj
- REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit, 2020, International Conference. The virtual conference offered a chance to learn and to share the best in higher education online and blended learning.
- ICICDR, 2020, International Conference, 2020, International Conference. 8th International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Doctoral Research Global Network of Doctorates on the occasion of the “World Doctoral Day”
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Wayne Switzer
- Majlis Al Khonji, 2020, International Other. Majlis Al Khonji is a regularly occurring event which attracts leaders in Oman’s Business, Tourism, Construction and Governmental sectors. It is a forum for invited professional to present a topic relevant to the Sultanate, especially with regards to technology and the built environment. Due to COVID restrictions, the event was broadcast online.
- Penser-Faire: Thinking-Making in Architecture, 2020, International Conference. Selection of submitted paper “A Catalyst for Craft: Opportunities and Challenges for an Earth Building Initiative in Oman”. Presenters spoke on a wide range of issues in the “making” of Architecture.
- Symposium: Contemporary Earthen Building in Oman, 2020, International Conference. The first Symposium in the region to feature the topic of Contemporary Earthen Building. International experts, practitioners were invited to present to members of Oman’s Industry, Academia and Government. The first day a series of presentations and critical discussion. The second day was practical demonstration.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Fatma Al Hatmi
- Sustainability Virtual Week, 2020, International Conference.
- women in science, 2020, GUtech Other. The deputy chairperson of the German parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Dr. Daniela De Ridder paid an official visit to GUtech. Besides the cooperation between GUtech and RWTH Aachen she expressed interest in the topic “women in science”. we joined a discussion about women in science in Oman with Dr. Daniela De Ridder.
- Solar Electric Design and Installation (Grid-Direct), 2020, National Workshop. understanding of various components, system architectures, and applications for PV systems. site analysis
Fatma Al Hammadi
- 20th international ELT Conference, 2020, National Conference.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Petrit Pasha
- FOS Design Series – FOS Student Workshop, 2019, GUtech Workshop.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Rajat Mazumder
- SPP 1833 Funded International Field workshop in Singhbhum craton, eastern India (DFG, Germany sponsored), 2020, International Workshop. ________________________________________________________ Dr. Rajat Mazumder was the field workshop leader who guided 34 German researchers in the field. Archaean granite‐greenstone terrains are preserved as ancient nuclei in every continent and provide valuable insights into the crustal growth and geodynamic processes operative during Earth’s early evolutionary history. Well‐preserved Palaeoarchaean (3.6–3.2 Ga) to Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.6 Ga) supracrustal successions have been visited by the SPP 1833 in South Africa, Australia and Canada. This year’s field workshop led the group of 34 young researchers and supervisors to the Singhbhum Craton in India, west of Kolkata. In contrast to other cratonic blocks, the Singhbhum cratonic block bears an almost continuous Palaeoarchaean to Mesoproterozoic geological record. Starting in Jamshedpur and ending in Jajpur, the group inspected a north-south geological transect through this succession. The first part of the trip was led by Rajat Mazumder (German University of Technology in Oman), who has been working intensively for several years on the geology of the northern Singhbhum craton. Tonalites, granites and granodiorites (OMG, OMTG) were inspected as well as sedimentary successions (banded iron formations, cherty quartzites, sandstones, conglomerates) and volcanic rocks (e.g., komatiites with spinifex-zones , pillow basalts, felsic lavas and tuffs). Axel Hofmann (University of Johannesburg) took over for the second part of the field workshop. He introduced the group into the Archean geology of the southern part of the Singhbhum craton around Keonjhar and Jajpur. Here, the group had the possibility to visit one of a few known Archaean palaeosoils worldwide at Keonjhar. Another focus of this part of the trip was on the Daitari greenstone belt and associated banded iron formations that are of economic interest. Within this framework, the SPP group visited the Odisha Mining Company mines near Daitari.. All participants took the opportunity to take samples for their own research projects. Furthermore, the whole group benefitted from the scientific and personal exchange at all academic levels.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Osman Barghouth
- Motivating Students, Moderating Discussions, 2019, GUtech Workshop. A workshop “Motivating Students, Moderating Discussions,” provided by Excellent Academic Teaching RWTH Aachen University – Centre for Teaching and Learning Services (ExAcT).
- Excellence of Teaching Instructor, Train of Trainer Workshop, 2020, GUtech Workshop. I have participated in the Excellence in Teaching Instructor Workshop. The workshop was aimed to train a group of GUtech Instructors “Train of Trainers” in an attempt to disseminate the knowledge to other GUtech instructors. The workshop was held in Aachen University, Germany on February 3rd-7th 2020. The training was part of the Step2Future project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and covered different topics including Video Production, Media Didactic Conception, Open Education Resources, Massive Open Online Courses, Group Dinamics, Didactics in Small Groups, Didactics, E-learning and Teaching, Constructive Alignment, Gamification of Lectures, Learning Management Systems “Moodle”.
Department of Engineering
Najah Al Mhanna
- 14th Annual GPCA Forum, 2019, International Conference.
Department of Computer Science
Ali Al Humairi
- Remote and Hybrid Education: Preparing for the Fall, 2020, International Workshop. Remote and Hybrid Education: Preparing for the Fall
- Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology Workshop, 2020, National Workshop. Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology
- Professional Development Days, 2020, GUtech Workshop. Professional Development Days
- Oman Digitalization Hub, 2020, National Workshop. Oman Digitalization Hub
- Sharing good practices: Lessons learned from online teaching during the pandemic period and the plans for the next academic year, 2020, National Workshop. Sharing good practices: Lessons learned from online teaching during the pandemic period and the plans for the next academic year
- EJAAD Ambassadors Virtual Meeting, 2020, National Workshop. EJAAD Ambassadors Virtual Meeting
- OTS20 Invitation: OMREN Technology Summit2020, 16 March 2020 – German university of technology, Muscat, 2020, National Workshop. OTS20 Invitation: OMREN Technology Summit2020, 16 March 2020 – German university of technology, Muscat
- The Fifteenth International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2019),, 2020, International Conference.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Ekkehard Holzbecher
- 5. International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems, 2020, International Conference.
- North American COMSOL Conf., 2020, International Conference.
Wilfried Bauer
- IGCP 648 Virtual Seminar Series, 2020, International Conference. Virtual conference series (weekly Thursdays or Fridays, around 1 hour) of the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP 648, covering the development of supercontinents through time.
Department of Engineering
Emmanouil Bouzakis
- 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CIRP CSI 2020, 1st E-conference), 2020, International Conference. The 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity was initially planned to take place in Vitoria-Gasteiz in the Basque Country, Northern Spain. However, following the COVID-19 outbreak, the event was moved to a virtual E-Conference, from June 1st to June 5th. As a forum for exchanging knowledge and the latest advances in the field between academics, industrial researchers and engineers the conference fulfills three main goals: Contribute to the scientific knowledge of the formation and evolution of surface integrity in various surface processes; Examine practical case studies and evaluate aspects of surface integrity and functional performance from an industrial point of view; Discuss advanced manufacturing and measurement technologies that control/improve and evaluate surface integrity.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Nikolaus Knebel
- International Workshop on Architecture and Urbanism in Oman (Foundation of German Architects / GUtech Students), 2019, GUtech Workshop.
- Green Roofs in Hot Climates (Oliver Hanna, ZinCo), 2019, GUtech Workshop.
Department of Mathematics and Sciences
Bernhard Heim
- PDD Research, 2019, GUtech Workshop. Yearly event at GUtech. 15min talk on recent research results. Scientific Calculations – the new Robert Koch approach.
- Colloquium, 2019, International Other. The G.-C Rota approach and the Lehmer conjecture. Invited talk in the Auditorium at ISI Bangalore.
- Colloquium, 2019, International Other. Top Research place in India/Bangalore. Also called Tata Institute.
- Numerical Analysis and Optimazation, 2020, International Conference. International Top event. Organized every 4 years.
- Workshop on number theory, 2020, National Workshop. Title: Towards the Lehmer conjecture Other talks are given by my PhD students (update on their work). Several further research talks.
- Number Theory and Combinatorics, 2020, International Other. Polynomification of discrete problems
- Oberseminar Zahlentheorie und Arithmetische Geometrie, 2020, International Other. Powers of the Dedekind eta function and the Bessenrodt-Ono inequality
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Nikolaus Knebel
- Cities In Their Own Right. Southern Urbanisms Along The Indian Ocean Coast, 2019, International Conference.
- Post-Oil City Exhibition, 2019, International Other. International Travelling Exhibition
- Ecothon, 2019, National Workshop.
- Green Workplace Summit, 2019, International Workshop.
- Oman LNG Sustainability Day, 2019, National Workshop.
- Energy Majilis, 2019, National Workshop.
- Techstars Startup Weekend powered by Google, 2019, National Workshop.
Department of Engineering
Hind Barghash
- Workshop on Data Science Engineering and its Applications (DSEA), 2019, International Workshop.
- ICCAEE,2019, 2019, International Conference.
- Oman Environmental Forum, 2019, International Other. I was invited in the discussion panel (Green investment and future opportunities).
- international water day- symposium, 2019, National Other. I was invited as speaker and presenter
Department of Computer Science
Nabil Sahli
- EduTraC Oman 2019, 2019, National Workshop. Talk on: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans
Department of Engineering
Najah Al Mhanna
- Climate Change Response Strategies for Sustainable Land Use and Water Management, 2019, International Workshop.
- K2019, 2019, International Other.
Department of Urban Planning and Architectural Design
Ercan Agirbas
- Building Bridges, 2019, International Other.
- Seeing Bridges, 2019, International Other.
Department of Engineering
Emmanouil Bouzakis
- 4th EU-GCC Business Forum, 2019, International Conference. The 4th EU-GCC Business Forum is a series of European Union (EU) & Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Business Forums. The theme of this event is Technology as an enabler for future growth and prosperity as it aims to discuss topics such as the role of education in diversification, the legal framework for technology, technology in the logistic and manufacturing sector and women in technology. The forum features representatives from the EU and all the GCC countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain, as they discuss the role of technology in various sectors highlighted above and how technology has assisted international, local and SME’s to compete in the global market.
Tahiya Al Shuaili
- Oman Hydrogen Symposium at the GUtech, 2019, International Conference. A Symposium, focusing on the opportunities of the global energy transition Green Hydrogen – produced from renewable energies – a fundamental option for diversifying the economy in Oman
- Train the Trainer, 2019, International Workshop.
- Motivating students and moderating discussions, 2019, GUtech Conference. the workshop content: Activation methods, Reflecting the target group “students”, How to perform interactive discussions, Moderation and presentation skills, Current trends in university didactics. the workshop was as part of PDD at gutech
Emmanouil Bouzakis
- Materials selection in research and teaching: An aerospace additive manufacturing example, 2019, International Other. Making the right materials and process choices for aerospace applications is challenging, particularly with the expanding range of possibilities offered by new additive manufacturing technologies. In this webinar, software tools and data resources that can help are demonstrated, focusing on the needs of university researchers and teachers.
Department of Computer Science
Nabil Sahli
- epayment forum, 2019, National Other.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Ahmed Hadidi
- Produced Water Middle East 2019, 2019, International Workshop.
- TLC5 2019, 2019, National Conference.
- 46th IAH Congress, 2019, International Conference.
- ISFF 2020, 2020, International Conference. ISFF2017 took place at GUtech.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Osman Barghouth
- World Tourism Day, 2019, 2019, National Workshop. On the occasion of the UN World Tourism Day entitled ‘Tourism and Jobs: A better Future for All’, the Faculty of Business and Economics at the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) has received H.E. Ahmed al Mehrazi, Minister of Tourism in Oman on its campus. During the event that was held at the History of Science Centre, the Minister discussed various topics on tourism in Oman with GUtech students. The Minister spoke about the National Tourism Strategy 2040, the role of tourism festivals in marketing the Sultanate as well as cruise tourism and its potential for the Sultanate.
- World Tourism Day, 2019, 2019, National Workshop. I gave a talk in the event entitled “Features of the tourism sector globally and locally”. On the occasion of the UN World Tourism Day entitled ‘Tourism and Jobs: A better Future for All’, the Faculty of Business and Economics at the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) has received H.E. Ahmed al Mehrazi, Minister of Tourism in Oman on its campus. During the event that was held at the History of Science Centre, the Minister discussed various topics on tourism in Oman with GUtech students. The Minister spoke about the National Tourism Strategy 2040, the role of tourism festivals in marketing the Sultanate as well as cruise tourism and its potential for the Sultanate.
- ENTER2020, 2020, International Conference. ENTER2020, 2020, International Conference. I presented a paper titled “Studying the Factors Influencing Customers’ Intention to Use Self-service Kiosks in Fast Food Restaurants”. ENTER2020, the leading eTourism conference organised annually by the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), and it was held at University of Surrey in Guildford, UK on 8-10 January 2020. I was really interested in this conference because it is highly related to the latest application of technology trends and this is very important for the courses that I teach such as Tourism and Technology and digital marketing. It is where different academics and professionals are showcasing cutting-edge research in eTourism and shedding light on current developments as well as future challenges in the area.
Department of Applied Geosciences
Ekkehard Holzbecher
- Intern. Conf. on Multiphysics, 2019, International Conference.
- 6. IOTSMS-SNAMS, 2019, International Conference.
- TLC5, 2019, National Conference.
- Europ. COMSOL Conf., 2019, International Conference.
- 38. IAHR World Congress, 2019, International Conference.
- WSTA 13th Gulf Water Conf., 2019, International Conference.
Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management
Mehdi Abdollahi Kamran
- Motivating students and Moderating Discussions: Offered by ExAct – Excellent Academic Teaching, the university didactics department of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Professional Development Days at the German University of Technology, 2019, GUtech Workshop.