Proof Of Concept for studying a Salt Structure of interior North Oman for gas and liquid storage purposes using advanced Electromagnetic Imaging and geological analysis

Markus Gurk
(Principal Investigator)
Markus Gurk
(Principal Investigator)
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Proof Of Concept for studying a Salt Structure of interior North Oman for gas and liquid storage purposes using advanced Electromagnetic Imaging and geological analysis (the case of Qarat Kibrit salt dome)
We propose a research project to proof a concept (POC) for using advanced electromagnetic imaging techniques (2D, 3D Magnetotellurics (MT) and Geomagnetic Deep Soundings (GDS)) in combination with geological studies to infer the potential of salt rock formations in Oman to be used for liquid or gas (Oil, Natural Gas, CO2 or Hydrogen) storage purpose. Seismic methods have troubles to gain high quality data on salt structures. Especially the extremely high velocity contrast between the salt and the host rock does not allow seismic images to resolve well for the top or the flanks of the dome structure. In contrast, electromagnetic methods use the difference in the electrical resistivity between the salt and the host rocks, making this technique favourable for imaging rock salt formation with less cost,
compared to a seismic survey. Salt domes have been used since the early 1940s for the storage of liquids and gas because they are impermeable and non-reactive rock formations. Due to their plastic behaviour, salt structures are tight and do not show fissures and open joints, thus hindering the migration of gas and fluids towards the outside of the formation. That makes salt the preferred candidate for creating storage caverns. Detailed electromagnetic and structural geological assessment of the salt structure will then determine its potential to be used as a cavern storage facility. Studying existing seismic images, we choose the Qarat Kibrit salt dome in the Ghaba Salt Basin for our POC because of its symmetric settings which makes it very suitable to proof our exploration strategy. Additionally, we will determine the chemical composition of the Ara salt in order to make a proposal for a usage of the brines which are produced during salt cavern construction.