PABE – Physical Activity and the Built Environment – A multicity study

Dr. GUSTAVO Linhares de Siqueira
(Principal Investigator)
Dr. GUSTAVO Linhares de Siqueira
(Principal Investigator)
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PABE – Physical Activity and the Built Environment – A multicity study
Rapid Urbanization is causing severe Healthy issues worldwide as a consequence of unsustainable development patterns. The correlation between the attributes of the built environment has been identified as one of the key factors determining levels of physical activity at the neighborhood level. In Oman and in the region, studies underpinning evidence-based policymaking are scarce and highly in demand since the levels of NCDs are skyrocketing and many government bodies are seeking effective solutions to review planning practices in place. The present multi-city study – PABE- will use a desk review to determine whether local policies are aligned with international best practices and able to meet the requirements to activate the built environment and turn it healthier. And if not what would be necessary changes? Further, it will select a set of residential areas to perform objective and subjective assessments to gauge the current environmental attributes and levels of physical activity. Subsequently, it will deploy a collaborative design approach in a multi-stakeholder environment to develop strategies to overcome the barriers found in the previous analysis. Finally, a local advocates program for capacity building will help to maximize the outcome of the pilot interventions and secure the sustainability of the project beyond the conclusion of the funding period.

Schematic representation of the survey dissemination strategy by target groups and dissemination means.
De Siqueira, G., Mabry, R., Al Siyabi, H., Adeel, A., Malaj, S., & Oyeyemi, A. (2023). Construct validity of the physical activity neighborhood environment scale-Oman. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1007075.