Heritage Digitalization: Enhancing visitors’ experience and site management for World Heritage Sites

Prof. Heba Aziz

(Principal Investigator)
Logistics Tourism and Service Management Department

Prof. Heba Aziz

(Principal Investigator)
Logistics Tourism and Service Management Department

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Heritage Digitalization: Enhancing visitors’ experience and site management for World Heritage Sites



The World Heritage Convention was established in 1972 with the objective of recognizing the universal importance of certain heritage sites whose history has been influential in shaping the face of humanity globally and not only in their respective countries. Credibility, communication, conservation, communities, and capacity-building are the strategic objectives of the convention and are at the heart of any effective management plan. This research project will explore means for heritage digitalization and will identify state of the art technology to realize the 1972 World Heritage convention objectives. Striking the balance between heritage conservation and heritage communication could be effectively realized by identifying the suitable digitalization application for both purposes. Appropriate tools for documentation of the world heritage will be identified, this will be of value to site managers and heritage authorities as it will ensure the credibility of the site and will establish a baseline for future conservation efforts. Digital tools for communicating the site to visitors represent the second major contribution of this research. This initiative will enhance visitors’ experience and enable the site to play a prominent role in socio-economic development and realizing relevant SDGs. It is expected that technologies like VR, AR or gamification is likely to increase the economic viability of the site by encourage managed visitations, creation of employment opportunities and improved visitors’ satisfaction. Oman’s heritage is fundamental to the tourism industry and represent a corner stone in the Oman National Tourism Strategy. this project will equip heritage sites with state-of-the-art technologies that directly contribute to the implementation of sustainable tourism in Oman. Oman Vision 2040 has also identified citizenship and heritage as one of its national priorities. Digitalization of heritage will bring that legacy closer to the youth and future generations. The project will be realized with the support of Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARCWH); it consists of a multidisciplinary team of heritage and tourism management specialist in addition to technology and digitalization experts. ARC-WH will use the identified heritage digitalization approach as a pilot for training world heritage specialists in Oman and beyond.


3D modeling of Bahla Fort using different techniques such as laser scanning and photogrammetry


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