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Board Of Governors

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rüdiger

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rüdiger

Chairman, Rector of RWTH Aachen University

Dirk Lölke

Dirk Lölke

Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany

Dr. Kai Sicks

Dr. Kai Sicks

Representative of DAAD

H.E. Abdullah bin Salim Al Salmi

H.E. Abdullah bin Salim Al Salmi

Representative of OES LLC



Dr. Abdulrahman Al Salmi

Dr. Abdulrahman Al Salmi

Representative of OES LLC

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Rauhut

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Rauhut

Representative of OES LLC

Dr. Al Khattab Al Hinai

Dr. Al Khattab Al Hinai

Representative of Omani Academia

Dr. Badar Al Kharusi

Dr. Badar Al Kharusi

Representative of Omani Academia

Prof. Dr. Ing. Robert Schmitt

Prof. Dr. Ing. Robert Schmitt

Representative of RWTH Aachen



Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Nacken

Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Nacken

Representative of RWTH Aachen

Prof. Dr. Michael Braun

Prof. Dr. Michael Braun

GUtech Rectorate

Hon. Dr. Hussain Al Salmi

Hon. Dr. Hussain Al Salmi

GUtech Rectorate

Prof.Dr. Wilfried Bauer

Prof.Dr. Wilfried Bauer

GUtech Rectorate


Prof. Dr. Michael Braun

Prof. Dr. Michael Braun


Hon. Dr. Hussain Al Salmi

Hon. Dr. Hussain Al Salmi

Deputy Rector for Administration & Finance

Prof.Dr. Wilfried Bauer

Prof.Dr. Wilfried Bauer

Deputy Rector For Academic Affairs

Prof. Dr. Michael Braun

Prof. Dr. Michael Braun

Acting Deputy Rector for Research & Innovation

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