Seed Grant

The purpose of the Research Seed Fund is to support the development of the University’s research priorities. GUtech’s Research Seed Fund intends to promote :

  • Research carried out by new researchers
  • Interdisciplinary research
Seed Grant Projects 2025
Code PI Department Orchid Project Title
SG2025/NR/ENG/MM Prof. Morteza Mohammadzaheri Engineering Adoption of Digital Techniques for Process Control, focused on Distillation Processes
SG2025/NR/LTSM/FB Dr. Farasat Bukhari Logistics, Tourism and service management The effect of Digital Financial Literacy in exploring FinTech and Financial Inclusion: A study from Oman.
SG2025/NR/LTSM/MF Ms. Mirna Faltas Logistics, Tourism and service management Fintech Revolution: Quantifying the Impact of Mobile Banking on Economic Efficiency in Oman
SG2025/NR/UPAD/HQ Ms. Hadiya Al Qasimi Urban Planning and Architectural Design People and Buildings, documentation, and analysis of modern heritage: the case study of Muttrah Corniche
SG2025/NR/UPAD/FS Mr. Florian Scheucher Urban Planning and Architectural Design Towards a New Shape of Thinking Space
SG2025/NR/UPAD/MB Mr. Mohammed Al Balushi Urban Planning and Architectural Design Designing the Future: Modular Approaches for Social Housing in Oman
SG2025/I/AGEO/IC Prof. Ivan Callegari Applied Geosciences Multidisciplinary study of the structural and mineralogical characteristics of the exhuming shear zones in the northeastern sector of Oman (Saih Hatat Dome, Sultanate of Oman)
SG2025/I/AGEO/MG Dr. Markus Gurk Applied Geosciences Geophysical Investigation Of The Hot Springs in the North East of Oman (North and South Bathina)
SG2025/I/AGEO/HR Dr. Heninjara  Rarivoarison Applied Geosciences Geochemical and petrographic studies of Samail ophiolite and Hawasinah nappes in Norhteastern Oman: Implications of the carbon sequestration.
SG2025/I/ENG/HB Dr. Hind Faisal Ahmad Barghash Engineering Application of AI Models in Optimizing Hydrogen Production: A Comparative Study of Model Performance and Process Optimization
SG2025/I/ENG/NM Dr. Najah Mahdi Mohammed Al Mhanna Engineering Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction by Adsorption
SG2025/I/ENG/SS Prof. Seyed Sadrameli Engineering Feasibility study and life cycle assessment of application of phase change materials in food transportation and logistics in Oman
SG2025/I/LTSM/MK Dr. Mehdi Abdollahi Kamran Logistics, Tourism and service management A Network Data Envelopment Analysis for performance evaluation of complex matrix-based processes in hospitals
SG2025/I/UPAD/AA Dr. Ahmad Adeel Urban Planning and Architectural Design Virtual Reality for Smarter Cities: Integrating Transit- Oriented Development into Muscat’s Urban Planning
Seed Grant Projects 2024
Code PI Department ORCID Title
SG2024/I/AGEO/IC Ivan Callegari Applied Geoscience Geological study of Ophiolite Chromitites in the Sultanate of Oman
SG2024/I/AGEO/SH Salima Al Harthy Applied Geoscience Development of a low-cost data logger prototype for Geomagnetic Deep Soundings (GDS)
SG2024/I/CS/NS Nabil Sahli Computer Science Investigating the Impact of Gamification on Education in Oman
SG2024/I/CS/NJ Nafaa Ben Hedi Jabeur Computer Science Enhancing Road Safety through an AI-Based Solution for Seatbelt Detection
SG2024/I/CS/SK Sharifa Al Khanjari Computer Science Energy-Efficient Design Strategies for Sustainable 3D Building in Oman Utilizing AI
SG2024/I/CS/YB Yusuf Bulale Computer Science Green Hydrogen Production from Desalination Brine using Solar Energy and Electrolysis
SG2024/I/ENG/AA Akrum Abdullatif Engineering Innovative Mobile Green Generator Based on Hybrid System: A Sustainable Solution for Clean Energy Generation On-the-Go
SG2024/NR/ENG/LL Loay Al Lawati Engineering Online Monitoring of Machining Processes
SG2024/NR/GU Bridge/DI David Ingham GU Bridge The Impact of gamification on English foundation student’s motivation – teachers’ and students’ perspectives
SG2024/NR/LTSM/DJ Dawood Al Jahwari Logistics, and the Department of Tourism and Service Management The Impact of Omani Tour Guides Communication Competences and Service Quality on Inbound Tourists experience, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention
Seed Grant Projects 2023
Code PI Department ORCID Learn More
SG23/I/AGEO/WB Prof. Wilfried Bauer Applied Geoscience ORCID Dissolution and carbonization rates of basalts gabbors from the crustal part of the samail ophiolite, Oman
SG23/I/AGEO/RM Prof. Raja Mazumder Applied Geoscience ORCID Sedimentology and geochronology of Mesoarchean successions of the Singhubhum Craton and their implications
SG23/NR/AGEO/IR Ms. Imboarina Rasaona Applied Geoscience ORCID Geochronology and geochemistry of diamictite clasts from the Neoproterozoic Ghubrah and Fiq Formations, Jebel Akhdar
SG23/NR/AGEO/MG Dr. Markus Gurk Applied Geoscience ORCID Electromagnetic survey to study the internal structure and the normal fault pattern in the alluvial fan of Wadi Mistal, Oman
SG23/I/CS/AH Mr. Ali Humairi Computer Science ORCID Optimization and Performances Testing Calibration of an Autonomous Solar Cleaning Robot
SG23/NR/CS/RA Dr. Raja Anwar Computer Science ORCID Brain Tumor Detection and Classification using CNN: A Transfer Learning Approach
SG23/I/Eng/HB Dr. Hind Barghash Engineering ORCID Technical, Economic, and Environmental Assessment of Hydrogen Gas production from Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Oman
SG23/I/Eng/AB Ms. Khadija Al Balushi Engineering ORCID Using Machine Learning to detect suitability of Microalgae for Carbon Capture
SG23/NR/Eng/SS Prof. Seyed Sadramali Engineering ORCID Feasibility Study for the Application of Phase Change Materials in Free Cooling/Heating Energy Systems in Oman
SG23/I/UPAD/EA Prof. Ercan Agirbas Urban Planning & Architectural Design ORCID The Impact of Architectural competitions on economy and the quality of life, a proposed framework for Oman
SG23/NR/UPAD/FE Prof. Frank Eittorf Urban Planning & Architectural Design ORCID Housing topologies/Design by Nature
SG23/NR/UPAD/AA Dr. Ahmed Adeel Urban Planning & Architectural Design ORCID The impact of car oriented urban development on the satisfaction of visitors and tourists: case study of Muscat
SG23/I/LTSM/MK Dr. Mehdi Kamran Logistics, and the Department of Tourism and Service Management ORCID An efficient heuristic for integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems under uncertain conditions, case study ports in Oman
SG23/NR/OHC/FH Ms. Fatema Al Hajri Oman Hydrogen Center ORCID Produced Water Treatment Using Zinc Oxide Nanorods (ZnO NRs) Under Sunlight
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